Tuesday, September 28, 2021

October 2021 meeting of Cumbria Health Scrutiny Committee

The October meeting of Cumbria Health Scrutiny Committee will be held next Monday, 4th October 2021, at 10.30 am in Conference Room A/B, Cumbria House, Botchergate, Carlisle, CA1 1RD.

The meeting will be open to the public.

The agenda and supporting documents can be found on the county council website at

Agenda for Cumbria Health Scrutiny Committee on Monday, 4th October, 2021, 10.30 am | Cumbria County Council

It includes:

  • Impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic
  • Updates on the Health and Care Bill Implementation and Local Government Reform
  • Enhanced Network Model of Acute Stroke Care and Rehabilitation in Lancashire and South Cumbria 
  • Update on NHS Dentistry in North Cumbria
  • Rowanwood Ward, Carleton Clinic, Carlisle - Temporary Closure Update
  • Ambulance Provision in Alston

Friday, September 17, 2021

New plans for WCH unveiled today at hybrid meeting of the Joint Community Forum

New plans for West Cumberland Hospital will be unveiled next week and there was a preview this moring at a hybrid meeting of the NHS community forum for the Northern two-thirds of Cumbria - covering the NCIC area, which roughly corresponds to the local authority areas of Allerdale, Carlisle, Copeland and Eden (and to the historic county of Cumberland.)

This was a hybrid meeting - with some people physically present in one room while others joined online via Zoom. I thought it worked well and I hope we will consider continuing this kind of meeting where it is appropriate even after the pandemic.

One item of very good news from the meeting was that the plans for the next stage of redevelopment of West Cumberland Hospital will be going on display next week, at the hospital, online, and via the press. We had a preview today and they look really encouraging.

Watch this space for details of how you can see the new plans online.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Suicide Prevention Day

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day, also known as International Suicide Awareness Day

Many people have no idea how prevalent suicide is until someone they know tries to kill themselves - and often succeeds.

In the UK in 2019, 6,524 people took their own lives.

Men aged 45-49 and women aged 50-54 have the highest suicide rates in England and Wales. Suicide is the most common cause of death among men aged 20-49 and women aged 20-34.

(The figures quoted above for suicide rates among women may appear at first glance to be contradictory but are not: the suicide rate among women is higher for those in their early fifties than for women aged 20-34, but the latter group are much less likely to die for most other reasons.) 

If someone you know is under a lot of stress, talk to them. Let them know that they are not alone. If they have given any sign that they might be considering self-harm, encourage them to seek help. And don't assume that they would not be the sort of person who would kill themselves - those who do so are often those who would have been least expected to.

And if you are the one who is under stress or finding it all a bit to much, don't suffer alone or in silence. Talk to a friend or family member, If you are in education or employment, your school, college or employer may well provide access to a counselling service. If none of those are available to you, ring the Samaritans on 115 123