Monday, April 07, 2008

New Hospital for West Cumbria - where's the money ?

A document about economic regeneration circulated at a Copeland Council committee meeting today by an officer of Westlakes Renaissance suggested that there is considerable confusion, including within the Primary Care Trust (PCT) about where the money for the promised new acute hospital in West Cumbria is coming from.

The exact quote from a document provided to councillors at the meeting read as follows:

"Clarification and confirmation of NHS funding is needed as there is confusion, not least within the PCT, about the commitment (or not) of funding for the proposed new hospital, despite the 'Closer to Home' consultation and assurances which have been given, following parliamentary questions, to Jamie Reed MP. If funding for the new hospital and supporting community hospitals in Cumbria is not in existing health budgets, we need guidance on what we need to do to ensure they are."

Apparently this came out at an officer level meeting last week.

This is rather alarming and attempts are being made to clarify the situation. Watch this space.


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